Back-end development guide

This document describes how to start the project locally.

We recommend using docker-composeopen in new window to deploy the required services. A docker-compose.yml file has been provided with the configurations for MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, and Kubo IPFS. You can directly use this file to start and manage these services.


First, make sure that you have the following installed on your machine:

We recommend you have installed nvm in order to set the right node version to run this project

curl -o- | bash

Second, you need to apply for the following services:

Clone this repository and join the folder

git clone

cd matataki-backend

Run with docker-compose

docker compose up -d
  1. If you are using the Mac OS (M series) operating system.
    • You may encounter problems like no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries. To solve this problem, you can consider replacing the image. For example, you could try using a biarms/mysql:5.7-beta-circleci open in new window image.
⠿ Network matataki-backend_default  Created
⠿ Container mysql_local             Started
⠿ Container elasticsearch_local     Started
⠿ Container redis_local             Started
⠿ Container ipfs_local              Started

Environment variable configuration

To modify the project's configuration options, you can follow these steps:

  1. Locate the config.default.js file in your project config/ directory. This file contains the default configuration options.

  2. Create a copy of config.default.js and rename it as config.local.js.

    • In config.local.js, you can modify the specific configuration options according to your requirements. The application will prioritize the values defined in config.local.js over the default options specified in config.default.js.

    • Locate the configuration options marked with @required. These options are essential for the application to function properly. Make sure to provide the necessary values for these options.

    • Additionally, some configuration options have default values set according to the requirements of Docker Compose. However, it is still recommended to review and adjust these values based on your specific needs.

  3. If you are using Docker Compose's pre-configured service, set the corresponding host to the IP address of your local machine (for example, in the configuration environment variable.

    • mysql_local
    • redis_local
    • elasticsearch_local
    • ipfs_local

Start project

  1. Run yarn in the project directory to install the necessary dependencies.

  2. Initialize the database

    yarn run db:init

    The following message will be displayed if the database is initialized successfully:

    yarn run v1.22.19
    $ node ./scripts/database/init.js
    Connect to mysql_local:3306...
    Connected to mysql_local:3306
    Read SQL file /matataki-backend/database/db-dump.sql...
    Query SQL file /matataki-backend/database/db-dump.sql...
    Query SQL file /matataki-backend/database/db-dump.sql done
    Done in 0.96s.

    If you need to execute the database initialization script, set the mysql host in config.default to the IP address of the local machine (for example, when configuring the environment variables. Doing so ensures that the script runs correctly on the local database.

  3. Start the development server by running yarn dev.

  4. Finally, visit http://localhost:7001open in new window to see the website.

Check the status of the services

Exposes 7001 as the default port for the backend service. You can check the status of the backend service by visiting http://localhost:7001open in new window in your browser, it should return a text message like hi, egg, version=1.6.8, undefined.

Visiting http://localhost:7001/posts/timeRankingopen in new window can check if you are initializing the database successfully, it should return a JSON message like {"code":0,"message":"成功","data":{"count":0,"list":[]}}.

Once the backend service is up and running, you are all done with the start.

Last Updated:
Contributors: xiaotian